February 7, 2025
Own Teddy Bears

Make Your Own Teddy Bears

Making your own teddy bears is a lot of fun, whether you are doing it by yourself, with a relative or at a birthday party. Imagine spending the afternoon at your local build-a-bear shop with your mom and dad. Have fun picking out your own items for your bear. Don’t forget his little heart, he’ll need it to keep on living.

No longer do you have to know how to sew in order to create your own teddy bears. There are several craft kits that allow you to stuff a bear that you never even need a needle. This makes everyone happy and you without getting pricked.

Build a bear parties helps the young ones create their own teddy bear. They get to pick out which body they want, a heart and a birth certificate. If they want to put clothes on the bear to make them more personalized it’ll cost them extra.

Craft kits can cost anywhere from $10 on up and they come with everything you’ll need to make your bear. Most kits will include a heart, birth certificate, the bear body, stuffing and an outfit. Buying a few teddy bear patterns from the store is another way to make your own teddy bears. There are always a ton of different types to choose from and you don’t even have to be an expert. However, make sure you read the back first and find out what level it is for.

If you have a child that is due to get his shots soon, make him a felt bear. Felt bears are fun to make for little kids and they don’t cost much. All you will need is a permanent marker, two pieces of felt, a needle, stuffing and thread. Take the felt and cut them into the shape of a teddy bear. Sew up the body, leaving a small space for the stuffing to go in. Your child will get a kick out of helping with this part, especially as he watches the bear come to life. Finish sewing him shut and let your child mark him a face.