Teddy bears are a very popular gift-giving item. You just can’t seem to go wrong with a teddy bear. With so many different types of teddy bears to choose from there is something everyone likes, boys, girls, babies and even adults love them. .
You can get a teddy bear for someone just to show them that you love them. This is probably one of the biggest reasons teddy bears sell so well on Valentine’s day. They are big, soft, cuddly and ready for a hug. No matter what it seems like the person giving the bear away gets one too.
Children love teddy bears too, it doesn’t matter if they get the same bear twice, they’ll just say they’ve got twins. Many children look at a teddy bear as a security item; they know that the teddy bear won’t let anyone hurt them during the night. When you give a child teddy bear as a gift, you are giving them the ability to sleep through the night. The child just knows it means you love them.
Teddy bears make for great gift ideas or bribes when you are trying to get your child potty trained. Tell your child that once he/she has learned how to use the potty chair they can go to the store to get themselves their very own teddy. Be careful though, they may want to make their very own bear.
If you are planning on hosting a party, teddy bears are a great baggie gift. Go to your local dollar store and pick up a couple. You may even want to try making wax dipped teddy bears as a prize for one or two games. Whatever the event is, teddy bears are great to pass out.