The holidays are the perfect time to make scrapbook pages out of your memories and photos, so we know you are probably looking for scrap-booking idea for Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a special time of year when we get together with family and be thankful for our blessings in life. That is why coming up with a unique scrap-booking idea for Thanksgiving is what can make your memories so precious. Here are a couple of ideas that we found which you may want to try out for this year’s Thanksgiving.
One great scrap-booking idea for Thanksgiving is to title your page “Giving Thanks” and then put on the page pictures of your family and the various things that you are glad you have. These can be photos of almost anything from the food on the table to the people in your life, pets, and even a favorite knick-knack. Take detailed pictures, close-ups, and photos from different angles. That is what will make your scrap book really unique.
Another wonderful scrap-booking idea for Thanksgiving is to center your page around a Thanksgiving poem. For example, here is one that we especially like:
Thank you for the gift of life,
For letting me be me,
For all that I can know by words
And all that I can see,
For all the music I can hear
And all the songs I sing,
For all the joy that comes to me
And all the joy I bring,
For all the food that I can taste
And all the sweet scents smell,
For all the loved ones I can touch,
Who love and wish me well,
For all the beauty of the world,
Ever fresh and new,
I don’t know whom else I can thank,
And so I’m thanking you.
Paste this at the beginning of your pages and then make additional pages that show all you are thankful for like pictures of your family, your friends, the food, even the sky above. You could also center the poem on the page and post photos or write memories around the poem. Using poetry can be a great scrap-booking idea for Thanksgiving, or any time for that matter!
You can many other web sites that will give you scrap-booking idea for Thanksgiving. Take a moment and look at your favorite scrapping sites to get ideas from other members as well. However, perhaps the best scrap-booking idea for Thanksgiving is to scrap from your heart and use your imagination and creativity to make beautiful and unique pages that you can be proud of.