January 22, 2025
Thanksgiving cards

Thanksgiving Cards

We do not often think of Thanksgiving as a holiday to send out Thanksgiving cards, but why shouldn’t we reach out to friends and family at this special time of the year? Many times, we are not able to be with our loved ones at Thanksgiving times, so sending out Thanksgiving cards is a great way to let them know we are thinking of them and are thankful that they are in our lives. Here are some ideas for home made Thanksgiving cards that you can put together with your children and then send out.

We recommend you use heavy paper for your Thanksgiving cards such as card stock, but you can use construction paper as well which is probably easier to come by. Begin by folding the paper in half. Remember that you will have to find envelopes for your Thanksgiving cards, so you will want them to fit inside an envelope that you can easily find. Go outside and find some green leaves because we will show you two different ways to use leaves to decorate your Thanksgiving cards.

The first way is to take a regular piece of copy paper and fold it in half. Place the leaf between the fold and use a colored pencil or a crayon to rub over the leaf. Cut it out in a circle or an oval and then glue it on the front of your card. The other way is to take some poster paint or tempera paint. Cover your work area with newspapers and use a paintbrush to apply paint to the vein side of the leaf. Cover it completely. You can use different colors for a really neat look. Carefully pick up the leaf and press the painted side down on the front of your card. Press hard so that the whole leaf shows up clearly. Then lift the leaf straight up so you don’t smear the design. When the paint is dry, you can decorate the card. Don’t forget to write Happy Thanksgiving on it!

Another great way to make Thanksgiving cards involves using your child’s hand and some washable paint. Paint the child’s hand and thumb brown and the other fingers different colors; red, yellow, green, orange, etc. Press hand on the paper to make a turkey print. After it dries, the children can use the thumb as the head and add a wiggle eye and color a red wattle. Add feet at the bottom. When the paint has dried, write Happy Thanksgiving on the front and write this poem on the inside:

This isn’t just a turkey, As anyone can see.

I made it with my hand, Which is a part of me.

It comes with lots of love, Especially to say,

I hope you have a very happy Thanksgiving Day!

Make Thanksgiving cards for your loved ones and make sure that they know you are thinking of them at this special time of year.