It is important for you to stress to your child why we celebrate Thanksgiving, so finding Thanksgiving Christian crafts for preschool is a great way to do this. You want to make sure that your preschool child knows that Thanksgiving is a time when we give thanks to God for the blessings we have been given and making crafts that express this can be a great way to stress that to your little one. Here are some Thanksgiving Christian crafts for preschool you may want to try with your child. Some may require your help, but let them be creative and express themselves!
Thanksgiving is about much more thank turkeys. It is about being thankful for what we have. Have your child make a thankful wreath out of some construction paper and a paper plate. Preschoolers usually can’t write, so you will have to help on that end, but they can still express themselves. Cut out a semi-circle in the middle of a paper plate and just below the middle, write “God has made me thankful for….” Then cut out several leaf shapes from various colors of construction paper.
Have your child write or draw something that they are thankful for and then ask them to dictate to you what they want to say and then write it below what your child has drawn or scribbled. Let them glue the leaves all around the outside of the paper plate. You can hang the wreath from the top of the semi-circle to remind your child of everything they have to be thankful for.
Another great Thanksgiving Christian crafts for preschool is similar to the thankful wreath. You can make a thankful turkey. Cut out a circle from a piece of brown construction paper for your turkey’s body. Have your child draw on a face or help them cut out facial features from different colors of construction paper and glue it on. Cut out feathers from different colors of construction paper and proceed the way you did for the leaves on the thankful wreath. Glue the feathers on the turkey and you have a thankful turkey!
One of the great websites we found for fun and easy Thanksgiving Christian crafts for preschool is found at They have lots and lots of crafts for all occasions – all with a Christian theme. This is a great resource for Sunday School teachers and parents alike to refer to all through the year.