Universal Studios strives to ensure that everyone who visits Universal Studio Tours has an enjoyable experience. While guest services are available for everyone, there are special guest services available for guests with more specialized needs.
Guests in wheelchairs should have no problem accessing everything in the park, however, occasionally, some assistance may be required. If this occurs, staff members will be only too happy to assist. If special assistance is needed, please visit the Guest Relations desk, which is near the front entrance of the park. You can also contact Guest Relations in advance of your visit. Accessibility points for wheelchairs are marked with the International signs.
If you require a sign language interpreting service, one will be made available to you at Universal Studios Tours free of charge, with two weeks notice. Arrangements can also be made for closed captioning, assistive listening devices, and telecommunication devices for the deaf. TTY telephones are located at the Guest Services booth as well, and all pay phones throughout the park have the amplified feature.
Service animals are always welcome at Universal Studios, and will be allowed in the restaurants, gift shops, and the attraction queues. For the safety and well-being of the animal, service animals will not be allowed on some of the rides or inside some of the attractions. Special arrangements can be made for the service animal while it’s owner enjoys the attractions, however. Non-service animals must be placed in the complimentary kennel, located right outside the park gates.
Pregnant women should avoid The Studio Tour, Back to the Future, and Jurassic Park. These are not suitable for expectant mothers, and may cause complications in the pregnancy, including early labor. Furthermore, pregnant women will be given special stationary seating for the Shrek 4-D attraction and the Terminator 2: 3D attraction. Speak with a cast member for assistance. You should speak with your doctor before planning a trip to Universal Studios Tours – he or she may advise against such a trip.
Spanish language tours are available every day that the park is open, and tours for other languages can be arranged with advance notice. Again, Universal Studios Tours wants everyone to have a pleasant experience at the park, and they will do everything possible to ensure this. If you have a special need, please call and speak with a cast member at the Guest Services Center, or visit the center upon your arrival to the park.